業務内容/Work Responsibilities
- ゲーム開発における制作フローの構築
- ゲーム開発におけるエンジン機能の追加要望の取りまとめ
In the development effort of game projects, this role will be responsible for the game production flow, system design, and management of requests for additional engine functions. This position will support the project leader and the candidate will be responsible for what needs to be realized/created.
・Establishing production flows in game development
・Managing requests for additional engine functions for game development
求める人材/The Ideal Candidate has..
- ゲームの内容を理解し、それを実現するために必要なものを考え、実現化していくことにやりがいを感じる方
- ゲーム制作に必要なものを実現化していくために適切なコミュニケーションができる方
- ゲーム制作に関する技術に関して強い興味、関心を持っている方
・The ability to understand the contents of the game, think about what is necessary to realize the game, and find it rewarding to make this happen
・Ability to communicate appropriately in order to realize what is necessary for game production
・A strong interest in technology related to game production
必要なスキル・経験/Necessary Skills and Experience
・Experience in game development related to the development of production flows
歓迎するスキル・経験/Desired Skills
- ゲーム開発でのテクニカルリード業務経験
- ゲーム開発技術における専門知識
・Experience as a technical lead in game development
・Expertise in game development technologies
Business level or greater Japanese language proficiency
応募書類について/Application Materials
- 履歴書(顔写真は必ず貼付のこと)
- 職務経歴書 (書式自由)
→ゲーム業界経験者は、過去のゲーム制作でのご自身の担当範囲詳細をご記載ください。 - (お持ちであれば)プログラム言語にて作成されたものと、その説明書
・Resume (must have photo attached)
・Curriculum Vitae (free format)
→If you have experience in the game industry, please provide details of your responsibilities in game production up to now.
・A written description in the programming language (if you have any) and its documentation
※Please ensure to also include your resume and CV in Japanese.
Selection Process
Our candidate selection process is comprised of the following steps.- Document screening
- Interview process (Total of 2 to 4 interviews, including final interview)
- Offer of employment
- Post-offer discussion
Please allow approximately 1 to 1.5 months from the "document screening" to the "post-offer discussion" phases. If you are in a hurry, please let us know at the time of scheduling your interview. We will do our best to accommodate your needs and attempt to expedite the overall hiring process.
- Interviews will generally be conducted online.
- We may ask for a reference during your selection process. Further details will be provided by the HR representative when needed. We will share pertinent materials that outline these requirements beforehand to allow you ample time to prepare.
- During the selection process, we may provide you with an opportunity to have a casual discussion with a number of employees regarding your potential position. The purpose of this chat is to allow you a chance to learn about the actual working style of the position and gain a sense of the company culture in a relaxed environment, to further help you decide if the type of work environment would be a good fit for you.
- If given an offer of employment, we will conduct a post-offer discussion to explain details such as employment conditions and pertinent company policies.
職種 / 募集ポジション | テクニカルディレクター/Technical Director |
雇用形態 | 正社員 |
給与 |
勤務地 |
(雇入れ直後) 応募時に希望勤務地を選択いただきます。 選考を通じて勤務地を決定いたします。 (変更の範囲) 本社及び全ての支店、在宅勤務における情報誓約書に届け出た住所。 |
業務内容 | (雇入れ直後)テクニカルディレクター業務及び付随する関連業務 (変更の範囲)会社の定める業務 Post-Employment Conditions: You will perform the necessary work and duties as outlined in the Technical Director position details. Job Scope Adjustments: You may be asked to perform additional work as designated by the company |
勤務時間 | 裁量労働制(みなし勤務時間 9.5時間/日) 勤務時間は始業時間9:30終業時間18:00を基本として、個人の裁量に委ねられます。(就労中に少なくとも60分の休憩を取得するものとする) Discretionary working system; employees may determine their own working hours at their discretion, with a work day beginning at 9:30 and ending at 18:00 as a base. |
諸手当 | 通勤手当(月額20,000円/年俸に含む) 固定時間外労働手当(月40時間分/年俸に含む) 割増賃金(時間外労働手当、深夜勤務手当、休日出勤手当) 引越手当 ※遠方(勤務地より150kmを超える地域)からの転居を伴う入社者に一律30万円支給。海外からの場合は引越手当を一律50万円支給。 子女手当(本人扶養の18歳未満の子1人につき月額5,000円) A commuter allowance of 20,000 yen per month, included in regular pay. Allowance for 40 hours of overtime, included in regular pay. Extra payments are made for any overtime in excess of 40 hours, late-night work, and work on holidays. Relocation stipends: Employees moving from within Japan, but over 150 kilometers away from our Osaka or Tokyo office, are eligible for a relocation stipend of 300,000 yen. Employees moving to Japan from outside the country are eligible for a relocation stipend of 500,000 yen. Child allowance: Employees with dependent children under 18 years of age are eligible for a stipend of 5,000 yen per child per month. |
休日休暇 | 年次有給休暇(入社月に依る/初年度最大10日/入社日に一部付与) 祝日、夏季休暇(5日)、年末年始休暇、創立記念日、慶弔休暇 その他特別休暇 ※年間休日130日(2023年度実績) The following days are holidays for employees: Saturdays and Sundays Japanese national holidays Company summer holidays Year-end Holidays (from 12/29 to 1/4) Company founding day (typically 2/2) Leave: Employees receive paid leave days; the amount received is contingent on when the employee joins the company, with a maximum of 10 days in the first year. Bereavement leave and other special leave is available when employees need it. There were 130 days off of work in 2023. |
退職金 | あり(退職金規定に基づき支給) Included (Based on the PlatinumGames Retirement Pay Regulations) |
定年制 | あり 60歳(再雇用制度有、65歳に達するまで) 60 (Can be extended to 65 upon employee’s request) |
社会保険 | 健康保険、厚生年金、雇用保険、労災保険あり Health insurance Welfare pension insurance Employment insurance Worker’s compensation for job-related accidents |
福利厚生制度 | 財形貯蓄制度(利子補給あり) 養老保険/団体長期障害所得補償保険(GLTD保険) 社内ドリンク無料(ウォーターサーバー・自動販売機) メンタルヘルスケア対策(産業医面談の実施など) ビル内フィットネスリラクゼーション施設利用可(無料)※大阪本社 社内マッサージ施術 社内サークル活動助成制度 宅配弁当補助制度(1食230円) 慶弔見舞金制度(結婚、出産、お見舞いなど) その他 公式サイト「働く環境」をご覧ください Employee savings system (with interest) Endowment insurance Group Long-Term Disability (GLTD) insurance Employee shareholder association Free drink service (water and vending machines with a variety of tea, coffee and soft drinks) Mental healthcare services, including counseling with an occupational physician Company support for employee club activities Special payments for weddings, childbirth, sickness, etc. Free access to the Umeda Sky Building fitness gym Free massage service Lunch delivery (230 yen per meal) Please see the official website "WORK ENVIRONMENT" for more information on the benefits we offer. |
備考 | 試用期間3ヶ月(最大6ヶ月まで延長あり) 年俸改定 年1回(1月) Probationary period: 3 - 6 months Employees are eligible for a pay increase evaluation once per fiscal year, in January. |
会社名 | プラチナゲームズ株式会社 |
設立 | 2006年2月 |
事業内容 | ゲームソフトの企画・開発・パブリッシング |
代表取締役 | 稲葉 敦志 |
資本金 | 15億500万円 |
所在地 | 本社:大阪府大阪市北区大淀中1-1-30 梅田スカイビル タワーウェスト8階 東京スタジオ:プラチナゲームズTOKYO(東京都・御茶ノ水) 福岡スタジオ:プラチナゲームズFUKUOKA(福岡県・早良区) |
従業員数 | 305名(男性:241名、女性64名)(2025年1月1日現在) |
主な開発タイトル | 『NieR:Automata』 『ベヨネッタ2』 『メタルギア ライジング リベンジェンス』 『BAYONETTA(ベヨネッタ)』 『ASTRAL CHAIN(アストラルチェイン)』 『The Wonderful 101: Remastered』 『ベヨネッタ3』 『ベヨネッタ オリジンズ: セレッサと迷子の悪魔』 ***** |