Sodelavec v oddelku davčnega in pravnega svetovanja

1 Week ago • All levels • Legal

About the job


PwC Slovenia seeks a Tax and Legal Advisory Associate. Responsibilities include participation in M&A projects, tax due diligence, company reorganizations, legal transformations, tax audits, tax structuring, and preparing expert opinions on accounting and taxes (primarily transfer pricing and VAT). The role also involves assisting in preparing opinions and proposals for tax consulting services, mentoring junior colleagues, monitoring legislation, and FURSa and EU institution opinions. The ideal candidate will possess strong English and Slovenian language skills, attention to detail, proactivity, and ethical conduct.
Must have:
  • High education
  • Excellent written English & Slovenian
  • Accuracy, proactivity, ethics
  • Teamwork, positive attitude
  • M&A, Tax Due Diligence experience
  • Immediate start
  • Permanent contract
  • Flexible work environment (remote option)
  • International projects
  • Growth and development opportunities
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Job Description & Summary

A career within Tax services, will provide you with the opportunity to help our clients meet and manage their tax obligations across unique but ever changing tax specialties. You’ll advise clients on their local and overseas tax affairs, while acting as a strategic consultant related to business analysis, managing indirect taxes, dispute resolution, and global enterprise tax solutions.

Our team helps our clients identify and reduce tax risks, meet compliance obligations, implement tax strategies that complement business and operational objectives, resolve disagreements with tax authorities, and manage tax accounting and reporting issues. You’ll be engaged in projects dealing with International tax, mergers and acquisitions, state and local tax accounting, regulatory processes, tax reporting and strategy.

Družba PricewaterhouseCoopers Svetovanje (PwC) v Sloveniji, ki sodi v mrežo ene največjih revizijskih in svetovalnih hiš na svetu, v svojo ekipo vabi strokovnega Sodelavca v oddelku davčnega in pravnega svetovanja.

Naloge in odgovornosti:

  • sodelovanje na projektih M&A, davčnih skrbnih pregledih, reorganizacijah podjetij oz. njihove vrednostne verige, statusno pravnih preoblikovanjih, davčnih inšpekcijskih postopkih, davčnem strukturiranju,

  • priprava strokovnih mnenj s področja računovodstva in davkov (primarno s področja transfernih cen in DDPO),

  • pomoč pri pripravi mnenj in ponudb za svetovalne storitve s področja davkov,

  • vodenje manj izkušenih sodelavcev,

  • spremljanje zakonskih predpisov in mnenj FURSa in Institucij EU.

Kaj pričakujemo:

  • visokošolsko izobrazbo, 

  • odlično pisno izražanje v angleškem in slovenskem jeziku,

  • natančnost, proaktivnost, etičnost,

  • sposobnost dobrega timskega dela,

  • pozitivno naravnanost.

Kaj ponujamo:

  • možnost pričetka dela takoj,

  • zaposlitev za nedoločen čas s 6 mesečno preizkusno dobo,

  • fleksibilno delovno okolje (tudi možnost dela od doma),

  • delo v mednarodnem okolju na zanimivih in vsestranskih projektih s strankami iz različnih industrij in panog,

  • zanimive, mednarodne projekte in motivirano ter prijazno ekipo izkušenih sodelavcev,

  • nenehno rast in razvoj, tako osebnostno kot karierno,

  • vzpodbudno in kreativno delovno okolje

  • prednost imajo kandidati, ki imajo delovne izkušnje na področju davkov

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About The Company

At PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. We’re a network of firms in 152 countries with over 327,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and tax services. Find out more and tell us what matters to you by visiting us at PwC refers to the PwC network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity.

Content on this page has been prepared for general information only and is not intended to be relied upon as accounting, tax or professional advice. Please reach out to your advisors for specific advice.

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