阳狮集团(Publicis Groupe),法国最大的广告与传播集团,创建于1926年,总部位于法国巴黎。
1. 与客户进行良好沟通,了解客户的需求,将客户需求有效的传递给其他同事
2. 负责与客户沟通日常执行工作相关并落实,监督每一个项目在执行期内每天的具体进程
3. 协助完成项目策划及广告排期制定
4. 监督执行业务流程,负责项目总结、归档,内部资料整理归纳
1. 熟练使用办公软件,英文流利
2. 性格开朗,细心,有较强的敬业精神及责任心,能承受工作压力,执行力强
3. 适应和学习能力强,乐于接受新鲜事务,具备良好的沟通能力,倾听的能力和组织协调能力,善于分析和总结
4. 具有团队合作意识,能充分协调各部门资源
5. 一周至少 4天到岗,全勤优先考虑,持续至少 3 个月
Founded in 1926 by Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet, today Publicis Groupe is the second largest communications group in the world and a leader in marketing, communication, and digital business transformation, led by Arthur Sadoun, the third CEO in its history.
Publicis Groupe is positioned at every step of the value chain, from consulting to execution, combining marketing transformation and digital business transformation. Publicis Groupe is a privileged partner in its clients’ transformation to enhance personalisation at scale. The Groupe relies on ten expertise concentrated within four main activities: Communication, Media, Data and Technology. Through a unified and fluid organisation, its clients have a facilitated access to all its expertise in every market. Present in over 100 countries, Publicis Groupe employs around 98,000 professionals.
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Website: www.publicisgroupe.com
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