Online Javascript Compiler

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Online Javascript Compiler: Editor, Debugger & Compile JS Online

For someone still learning to code or beginning to code using JavaScript, an online JavaScript compiler is a good option. It compiles the code for you, provides a terminal to run it, and shows the results on one page. The idea behind creating our online JavaScript compiler is to make programming simple and much more effective, especially for the layman. It comes with a friendly user interface that enables one to practise and enhance his / her coding skills easily.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is an object-oriented scripting language used in website development. It is crucial in creating engaging and user-friendly web pages. JavaScript can be run on either the client side or the server side, that is, within the web browser and also on the server.
A bit of history: JavaScript is a programming language developed by Brendan Eich in 1995. Originally referred to as LiveScript, it was then changed to JavaScript. It has many built-in features, such as arrays, objects, and control structures, which assist in controlling data and adding interactivity to Web pages.

Key Features of JavaScript

1. Dynamic Websites

JavaScript enables the developer to add functionality to his/her webpage such that it may react to the user's action.

2. Function Objects

Here, it is worth noting that functions are first-class objects in JavaScript and thus can be used as a value.

3. Date and Time Handling

As for date and time manipulation, it is crucial to know that JavaScript has the necessary methods.

Advantages of JavaScript

1. Speed

The first one is the fact that JavaScript is interpreted in the browser, which makes it possible for the program to run fast as it is limited by the time it takes the information to reach the client.

2. Reduced Server Load

In handling some tasks on the client's side, JavaScript makes it possible to reduce the load back to the server.

3. Easy to Learn

JavaScript is easy to start with due to its uncomplicated syntax.

4. Powerful Frameworks

Every application and component developed with the help of frameworks, such as React and Angular, becomes simple.

5. Versatility

JavaScript is not a thing of websites only; it has a lot to do with servers and, recently, even mobile applications.

Javascript Variables Its Tutorials Guide

• Printing Hello World

JavaScript uses console.log() for outputting messages to the console.
1 console.log("Hello, World!");

• Variables and Data Types

JavaScript supports dynamically typed variables which can hold any type of data including integers, characters, booleans, and strings.
1 2 3 4 5 let age=30; let grade='A'; let isJavaScriptProgrammer=true; let name="John Doe"; console.log(`Age:${age},Grade:${grade},Programmer:${isJavaScriptProgrammer},Name:${name}`);

• Operators

JavaScript provides operators for arithmetic, comparison, logical operations, and more.
1 2 3 4 let a=10,b=5; let sum=a+b; let diff=a-b; console.log(`Sum:${sum},Difference:${diff}`);

• Control Structures (If else)

JavaScript uses control structures to execute code conditionally.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 let testScore=85; if(testScore>=90){ console.log("Excellent"); } else if(testScore>=70) { console.log("Good"); } else { console.log("Try Harder"); }

• Loops

JavaScript loops are used to repeat actions using for, while, and do...while.
1 2 3 for(let i=0;i<5;i++){ console.log(i); }

• Functions

Functions in JavaScript are blocks of code designed to perform a particular task, defined using the function keyword or as arrow functions.
1 2 3 4 function add(x,y){ return x+y; } console.log(`Result:${add(10,5)}`);

• Arrays

Arrays in JavaScript are used to store multiple values in a single variable.
1 2 let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; numbers.forEach(number => console.log(number));

• Pointers

JavaScript does not use pointers as in languages like C or C++, but it handles references to objects.
1 2 3 4 let original={value:10}; let reference=original; reference.value=20; console.log(original.value); //Output:20

• Classes and Objects

JavaScript supports classes as syntactical sugar over its prototype-based inheritance system. Classes were introduced in ECMAScript 2015 (ES6).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 class Person{ constructor(name,age){; this.age=age; } greet(){ console.log(`Hello, my name is ${} and I am ${this.age} years old`); } } let john=new Person("John Doe",30); john.greet();

How the Best JavaScript Compiler Works

Curious as to what an online JavaScript compiler looks like? Here's a quick rundown:
  1. Input Code: The editor is where you write all your JavaScript code.
  2. Compilation: This means that the server takes and executes your code.
  3. Output Result: The output of the errors for the given code is almost instantaneous.

Benefits of Using a JavaScript Compiler/Debugger/Editor

  1. Learning and Practice: An online JS compiler is useful for testing and experimenting with codes.
  2. Time-Saving: None of it requires installing some complicated environment on your computer.
  3. Cost-Effective: Most online compilers are free, eliminating other charges associated with coding.


Why must you complicate your coding path using numerous tools and setup stages? That's why, with Outscal's Online JS Compiler, you have everything you need in one location. Whether you are initialising with fundamental lessons or developing more intensified constructions, our compiler is easy to use and trouble-free. More than just a utility, think of it as your coding buddy, which helps you write, test, and even rectify your JavaScript codes to run it effectively. Hence, start coding intelligently with the online JavaScript compiler right from Outscal.

FAQs on Online Javascript Compiler

How to compile JS code?

To run jS code online, you need to follow the following steps:Open your web browser and search for a Javascript online compiler, online javascript code compiler, or javascript compiler.Choose the Outscal’s Compiler.Write or paste your code into the provided code editor.Click the "Run Code" button.View the output or debug any errors in the results section provided by the compiler.

Which is the best compiler for JavaScript?

Outscal’s online javascript compiler is the best compiler present on the web.

What is a Javascript online compiler?

Online JavaScript compiler is an online web-based tool that allows users to write, run, compile, and debug their js code online.

What platform does JavaScript run on?

Almost every platform whether it’s linus, windows, ios or even a browser is capable of running JavaScript.

How does JavaScript work without compiler?

Latest version of JavaScript employs a real time compilation as JavaScript is an interpreted language.

What is the use of JavaScript compiler?

A compiler is responsible for converting text code into the binary input.

How does an online compiler work?

An online compiler takes the input from the user and runs it on the server APIs which then return with the output.