Unity MCQs

Unity is a powerful and widely-used game development engine that supports the creation of 2D and 3D games. It provides a comprehensive set of tools and features, including a visual editor, physics engine, and support for multiple platforms. Unity's versatility and ease of use make it a popular choice among indie developers and large studios alike.

1. Rate yourself 0-5 in Unity Game engine.

2. Which 2 pre-defined functions are observed when a new script is created in Unity?

3. Which in-built component is required to play Audio files in Unity?

4. We cannot use Coroutines without a MonoBehaviour class in unity.

5. Which component would you choose to add physics to a 2D GameObject?

6. Observe the below code and Select the correct answer. using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D coll) { if (coll.gameObject.tag == "Enemy") coll.gameObject.SendMessage("ApplyDamage", 10); } }

7. Which of the following are true about Scenes? 1.Scenes refer to the objects which contain a particular scenario of the game. 2.Scenes contain the objects of your game. 3.Each unique Scene file is a unique level 4.Unity has a library for accessing scenes and traversing between them.

8. The dictionary given below will show up on the inspector of unity. public Dictionary<string, string> dictionary;

9. Have you installed Visual Studio Community from Unity Hub?

10. Which of the following are true for draw calls. * 1. Unity issues draw calls to draw game objects on the screen. 2. Unity issues draw calls to clear the memory. 3. Draw calls often cause performance overhead on the CPU side. 4. Draw calls are not heavy on the CPU at all.

11. Which Unity version you should install to get a long term support?

12. Have you imported the Scene in Unity Build Settings?

13. What Unity functions are used for entering and exiting a collision? 1. OnCollisionEnter(). 2. OnCollisionExit(). 3. OnCollisionStay(). 4. OnCollision().

14. What are some of the approaches for better performance in Unity? 1) Occlusion Culling. 2) Batching. 3) GetComponentInChildren(). 4) LOD

15. Have you installed Unity Hub?

16. What are prefabs in Unity?

17. What is the recommended UI component for texts in Unity?

18. Which class stores the player's preferences in Unity?

19. Which Layout would you prefer to use for Project Window in Unity?

20. Which unity function is called when we click the play button?

21. RigidBody is used ______ ? 1) For fundamental physics behaviour 2) For changing game object size 3) When you want to have mass in your game object. 4) Helps in adding velocities and accelerations to the object

22. Is your Code Editor connected to Unity properly?

23. What is the name of the parent game object when you create a UI game object in Unity?

24. Have you used “using UnityEngine.SceneManagement”?

25. Which of the following is Unity's built-in tool for performance optimization.

26. Which Unity version you should install to get long-term support?

27. Which game object by default gets created by Unity after creating a new scene?

28. Which system design pattern is used by Unity?

29. What alternative approach is recommended instead of serialized references for resolving dependencies in Unity?

30. What is the use of PlayOneShot() Function in Unity AudioSource? 1. Used for audio effects which need to play only once. 2. Used to control the pitch and volume of the audio source. 3. Used for playing multiple sounds from one audio source 4. Used to control pitch and volume of audio source

31. In C# Unity, when should you use a generic method over a non-generic method?

32. Why might Unity be the preferred game engine for many beginners?

33. What is the core principle of Particle systems in unity? 1. To create visual effects 2. Emits particles in random positions within a predefined space and shape 3. To make explosion effects 4. Simulates every particle collectively to create the impression of the complete effect.

34. What is one downside of using serialized references for resolving dependencies in Unity?

35. As a game developer, why is a strong grasp of high school mathematics and physics crucial?

1. Rate yourself 0-5 in Unity Game engine.

A. 1

B. 2

C. 4

D. 5

E. 0

2. Which 2 pre-defined functions are observed when a new script is created in Unity?

A. Start and Update

B. Awake and Start

C. Void and Main

D. None of the above

3. Which in-built component is required to play Audio files in Unity?

A. Audio Manager

B. Sound Manager

C. Audio Source

D. Audio Clip

4. We cannot use Coroutines without a MonoBehaviour class in unity.

A. True

B. False

C. Maybe

D. Maybe not

5. Which component would you choose to add physics to a 2D GameObject?

A. Transform

B. Rigidbody

C. Rigidbody 2D

D. None of the Above

6. Observe the below code and Select the correct answer. using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D coll) { if (coll.gameObject.tag == "Enemy") coll.gameObject.SendMessage("ApplyDamage", 10); } }

A. Apply Damage appears when an incoming collider with the tag "Enemy" makes contact with this object's collider

B. Apply Damage appears only when any gameobject make contact with the object's collider

C. Apply Damage appears if there is a method Apply Damage attached to it.

D. None

7. Which of the following are true about Scenes? 1.Scenes refer to the objects which contain a particular scenario of the game. 2.Scenes contain the objects of your game. 3.Each unique Scene file is a unique level 4.Unity has a library for accessing scenes and traversing between them.

A. 1,2

B. 2,4,1

C. 3,4,2

D. 1,3,4,2

8. The dictionary given below will show up on the inspector of unity. public Dictionary<string, string> dictionary;

A. True

B. False

C. Maybe.

D. Maybe not.

9. Have you installed Visual Studio Community from Unity Hub?

A. Yes

B. No

10. Which of the following are true for draw calls. * 1. Unity issues draw calls to draw game objects on the screen. 2. Unity issues draw calls to clear the memory. 3. Draw calls often cause performance overhead on the CPU side. 4. Draw calls are not heavy on the CPU at all.

A. 1 & 4.

B. 2 & 4.

C. 3 & 1.

D. All of the above.

11. Which Unity version you should install to get a long term support?

A. Unity 2021.1.16f1

B. Unity 2019.4.29f1 (LTS)

12. Have you imported the Scene in Unity Build Settings?

A. Yes

B. No

13. What Unity functions are used for entering and exiting a collision? 1. OnCollisionEnter(). 2. OnCollisionExit(). 3. OnCollisionStay(). 4. OnCollision().

A. 1.

B. 1 & 4.

C. 2 & 1.

D. 3 & 2.

14. What are some of the approaches for better performance in Unity? 1) Occlusion Culling. 2) Batching. 3) GetComponentInChildren(). 4) LOD

A. 1, 2 &3.

B. 1, 2 &4.

C. 2, 3 & 4.

D. All of the above.

15. Have you installed Unity Hub?

A. Yes

B. No

16. What are prefabs in Unity?

A. Gameobjects

B. Components

C. Pre-configured reusable GameObjects

D. None

18. Which class stores the player's preferences in Unity?

A. PrefsOfPlayer

B. PlayerPreferences

C. PlayerPrefs

D. PreferencesOfPlayer

19. Which Layout would you prefer to use for Project Window in Unity?

A. One Column Layout

B. Two Column Layout

20. Which unity function is called when we click the play button?

A. Update()

B. Start()

C. FixedUpdate()

21. RigidBody is used ______ ? 1) For fundamental physics behaviour 2) For changing game object size 3) When you want to have mass in your game object. 4) Helps in adding velocities and accelerations to the object

A. 1,3

B. 1,3,4

C. 1,2

D. 3,4

22. Is your Code Editor connected to Unity properly?

A. Yes

B. No

23. What is the name of the parent game object when you create a UI game object in Unity?

A. Canvas

B. Game Object

C. EventSystem

D. None of the above

24. Have you used “using UnityEngine.SceneManagement”?

A. Yes

B. No

25. Which of the following is Unity's built-in tool for performance optimization.

A. Unity debugger.

B. Unity profiler.

C. Unity performer.

D. Unity editor.

26. Which Unity version you should install to get long-term support?

A. Unity 2021.1.16f1

B. Unity 2019.4.29f1(LTS)

27. Which game object by default gets created by Unity after creating a new scene?

A. Empty Game object

B. Prefab

C. Main Camera

D. SampleScene

28. Which system design pattern is used by Unity?

A. Gameobject

B. Entity - Component

C. Physics

D. Mechanics

30. What is the use of PlayOneShot() Function in Unity AudioSource? 1. Used for audio effects which need to play only once. 2. Used to control the pitch and volume of the audio source. 3. Used for playing multiple sounds from one audio source 4. Used to control pitch and volume of audio source

A. 1,3

B. 1,2,3

C. 4,3

31. In C# Unity, when should you use a generic method over a non-generic method?

A. When the method needs to operate on multiple types without duplicating code.

B. When the method needs to be compatible with Unity serialization.

C. When the method requires dynamic runtime type checking.

D. When the method needs to access Unity-specific APIs.

32. Why might Unity be the preferred game engine for many beginners?

A. Unity has a focus on AAA quality PC and console products.

B. Unity offers multi-platform support for a wide variety of devices.

C. Unity provides a friendly interface for high-definition graphics.

D. Unity's learning curve is steeper compared to Unreal Engine.

33. What is the core principle of Particle systems in unity? 1. To create visual effects 2. Emits particles in random positions within a predefined space and shape 3. To make explosion effects 4. Simulates every particle collectively to create the impression of the complete effect.

A. 1,2,4

B. 2,3,4

C. 2,4

D. 3,1

34. What is one downside of using serialized references for resolving dependencies in Unity?

A. Serialized references improve code maintainability.

B. Serialized references ensure better runtime performance.

C. Serialized references enable automatic dependency injection.

D. Difficulty in managing changes to dependencies.

35. As a game developer, why is a strong grasp of high school mathematics and physics crucial?

A. To create visually stunning graphics and animations in the game.

B. To efficiently organize and manage vast amounts of game data.

C. To design robust server architectures for multiplayer games.

D. To govern how objects move, collide, and interact within the game world.

What is Unity?

Unity is a widely used game engine developed by Unity Technologies, first released in 2005. It is a globally accepted game engine for different platforms such as Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, and other gaming consoles. Unity is a very powerful platform for creating 2D, 3D, AR, and VR games and other experiences.

Unity supports various programming languages like C#, C++, and many more. It also supports a wide range of arrays of plugins and integrations. The platform can be used by beginner as well as experienced game developers.

Features of Unity

Some of the main features of the Unity are:

  1. Cross Platform Compatibility
  2. Large Community Support
  3. Vigorous Asset Store
  4. C# Scripting
  5. Physics System

Versions of Unity

The latest version of Unity was announced in the year 2024 known as Unity 6. The latest version of Unity will mark a return to the software's original version numbering.